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Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B雜志

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數(shù)學年刊B輯(英文版);Chinese Annals of Mathematics

Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B





投稿咨詢 加急見刊 雜志訂閱

Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B雜志簡介

《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》雜志是由中華人民共和國新聞出版總署、正式批準公開發(fā)行的優(yōu)秀期刊。自創(chuàng)刊以來,以新觀點、新方法、新材料為主題,堅持"期期精彩、篇篇可讀"的理念。

《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》內(nèi)容詳實、觀點新穎、文章可讀性強、信息量大,眾多的欄目設置,Chinese Annals of Mathematics Series B公認譽為具有業(yè)內(nèi)影響力的雜志之一。

《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》作為國家教委委托復旦大學主辦的、著名數(shù)學家蘇步青院士任名譽主編的、李大潛院士任主編的(1999年開始)、一份面向國內(nèi)外的綜合性的數(shù)學刊物,主要用英文刊登純粹數(shù)學和應用數(shù)學兩方面具有創(chuàng)造性的學術論文,其中包括幾何、拓撲、代數(shù)、偏微分方程、常微分方程、控制論、泛函分析、函數(shù)論、計算數(shù)學、概率統(tǒng)計、運籌學、數(shù)理邏輯等各數(shù)學分支學科的學術論文。面向高等學校教師、研究生、高年級學生和從事數(shù)學、應用數(shù)學專業(yè)的科研人員及其他的數(shù)學工作者。

《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》發(fā)表的論文被美國的《科學引文索引》的擴充版(SCIE)、《計算數(shù)學引文索引》(CMCI)、美國和西德出版的《數(shù)學評論雜志》、美國出版的《當代數(shù)學出版物》(CMP)和《中國科學文摘》、《中國數(shù)學文摘》、《CUJA》、《中國學術期刊文摘》、《中國學術期刊文摘(光盤版)》、《中國科學引文索引》、《中國科技論文統(tǒng)計源》、《萬方數(shù)據(jù)——數(shù)字化期刊群》等12種期刊和數(shù)據(jù)庫摘錄和評論。Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B并獲中國優(yōu)秀期刊獎,現(xiàn)中國期刊網(wǎng)數(shù)據(jù)庫全文收錄期刊。

Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B發(fā)文方向


Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B雜志特色

Manuscripts should be prepared and submitted in accordance with the following instruc-tions:

1.1A system of responsibility and recommendation by members of the Editorial Board is in practice for treating contributions. Manuscripts for publication in CAM should be sent in triplicate either to a member of the Editorial Board who has similar research interest or directly to the Editorial O ce. Author(s) may also submit the PS or PDF file of the manuscript via e-mail. The research interest, postal and e-mail addresses of each member of the Editorial Board are listed in the first issue of each year. As manuscripts will not be returned, author(s) are advised to retain a copy of them.

1.2Papers contributed to CAM should be original and substantial in content and concise and succinct in language. Each paper should include (1) the title of the paper; (2) the name(s) and address(es) of the author(s) (including e-mail); (3) an abstract of 50–200 words; (4) 3–5 keywords; (5) 2000 MR (Mathematical Reviews) Subject Classification; and (6) an abbreviated title not exceeding 45 characters (including spaces) for the running head.

1.3Manuscript should be typed in double-spaced and single-sided on A4 sheets. Once a paper is accepted, the author(s) will be requested to send the final manuscript in hardcopy (or PDF or PS file) as well as an electronic file (Latex, Amstex, or CCT) in the format required by CAM via e-mail to edcam@fudan.edu.cn or on diskettes to the Editorial O ce.

1.4References should be cited in the text using Arabic numerals within square brackets, and listed at the end of the paper in numerical order.

For journals:

[reference number] surname(s), initial(s), paper title, abbreviated title of the journal, volume number(issue number), year of publication, relevant page numbers.

For books:

[reference number] surname(s), initial(s), Book Title, publishing house, site of publication, year of publication.

For proceedings:

[reference number] surname(s), initial(s), paper title, Title of the Proceedings, editor(s) (ed(s).), publishing house, site of publication, year of publication, relevant pages.

2 All papers will be refereed. If necessary, the author(s) would be asked to revise the manuscript according to the referee’s suggestions. The Editorial Board reserves the right to make reasonable modifications in wording.

3 Papers are accepted with the understanding that the same work has not been published and that it is not being submitted for publication elsewhere. When a paper has been accepted for publication, the author(s) will be required to sign a Copyright Transfer Agreement for the paper. There is no page charge for the journal. 30 reprints will be given free of charge for each paper. Additional reprints may be purchased prior to publication by using the Order Form sent with the proofs.

4 The Editorial O ce is located in the School of Mathematical Sciences, Fudan University. 


Pж(AJ) 文摘雜志(俄)
JST 日本科學技術振興機構數(shù)據(jù)庫(日)
SCI 科學引文索引(美)
CSCD 中國科學引文數(shù)據(jù)庫來源期刊(含擴展版)


服務流程: 確定期刊 支付定金 完成服務 支付尾款 在線咨詢


Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B雜志訂閱

  • 主管單位:國家教育部
  • 主辦單位:國家教育部委托復旦大學主辦
  • 全年訂價:¥576.00
  • 期刊類別:教育


