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Journal of Mountain Science雜志屬于什么類別?刊期是多久?

來(lái)源:好投稿網(wǎng)整理 2024-10-17 14:33:16

Journal of Mountain Science雜志屬于地質(zhì)類期刊, 目前刊期為雙月刊。

Journal of Mountain Science雜志于2004年正式創(chuàng)刊, 國(guó)內(nèi)統(tǒng)一刊號(hào):51-1668/P, 是一本由中國(guó)科學(xué)院成都山地災(zāi)害與環(huán)境研究所主辦的學(xué)術(shù)刊物。


Author information

The authors should provide the following information for all authors when submitting a paper: author names, institutions, mailing addresses, email addresses, and research interest. Each letter of the family names of all authors should be capitalized. 


Authorship of articles is hugely important in academic careers as it is used to measure research productivity and as the basis for decisions on appointments, promotions, tenure and funding.

The authorship of academic papers should reflect who did the work. Papers submitted to the JMS should follow these rules:

1. A person who has not made a sufficient contribution to the work should not be included in the authors.

2. A person who has contributed substantially should be included in the authors.

3. If there are two or more authors, the corresponding author should be assigned. The first author will be taken as the corresponding author when no corresponding author is assigned.

4. All authors must sign to consent the submission.A cover letter with signature by all authors is required when the manuscript is submitted.  

5.The author list and the author sequence should be fixed before submission. Requests to add or delete authors at revision stage or after submission can only be considered after receipt of written approval from all original authors and a detailed explanation from the corresponding author about the role/deletion of the new/deleted author (s). 

 Once an authorship dispute arises before publication, the process should be halted until the dispute is resolved.  Changes of authorship or in the order of authors are not accepted after acceptance of a manuscript.

Figures and Tables
The Copyright and License Policies that apply to articles also apply to figures. Please do not submit any figures, photos, or tables that have been previously copyrighted unless you have and can supply written permission from the copyright holder to publish under the CC-BY or CC0 license. Without this, we cannot publish the figures.

Figures (photographs, graphs and diagram) should be in high quality, and in TIFF format. The TIFF figures should be saved at a minimum resolution of 600 dpi (dots per inch) at final size. TIFF file, especially those containing color, should be large. We encourage authors to provide color figures. Figure legends should be related to figures or plates, and they should be placed outside the figures or plates, NOT inside. The size of all letters and symbols should be appropriately fitting figures. The plate number and author's (photographer) name should be placed below or beside plates. Words in the figures must be in Times New Roman. Suggested figure sizes are 7-8 cm or 14-16 cm at width with font size at 8-9 point.

Tables should be editable in Microsoft Word easily, i.e., they should NOT be in picture format. Table titles should be concise and exactly to explain what the table shows.


The references are listed by the "author-publishing year" system. When a reference is cited in the text, the author(s) name(s) should be given if there are one or two authors (Zhang and Li 2009). If there are more than two authors, et al. is added after the first author. The year of publication should be indicated after the author(s) name(s)( Zhang et al. 2000). If a same author has more than one paper cited in one year, a, b, c … should be added after year of publication (Guo 2001a). When two or more references are cited in the same place in the text, ";" should be added between them (Zhang et al. 2000; Guo 2001a).

References after the text (cited list) should be a list of all the sources used in your paper, and arranged alphabetically by author's last name (family name), or when there is no author, by the first word of the title (except A, An or The). The author name should be written in the form of family name (written in full) first and then the initials (the capitalized first letter of the given name). The year of publication, the volume number of journals, the page range, the place of publication and the name of the publisher for each book cited should be provided in the references. For Non-English publication, the language should be marked at the end. All the items in reference should be shown as complete unabbreviated source citation except for author's name. All the listed references should be cited in the text.

For journal articles,Doi should be added at the end of each item of reference if they have ones. 

Please refer to the following examples for the reference.

1. Book or monograph

Shrestha TB, Joshi RM (1996) Rare, endemic and endangered plants of Nepal. Kathmandu: WWF, Nepal Program. p 244.

Hao F, Quan J, Yang ZS, et al. (2000) Land Resources of Yunnan, Kunming, China. Yunnan Science and Technology Press. pp 60-62. (In Chinese)

2. Thesis

DeConto RM (1996) Late Cretaceous Climate, Vegetation, and Ocean Interactions: an Earth System Approach to Modeling an Extreme Climate. PhD thesis, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado. p 10.

3. Paper from a proceedings or monograph

Smaling EMA, Nandwa SS, Janssen BH (1997) Soil fertility in Africa is at stake. In: Buresh RJ et al. (eds.), Replenishing Soil Fertility in Africa. SSSA Special Publication No. 51. Wisconsin, USA. pp 47-61.

4. Paper from a serial publication

Kuhle M, Kuhle S (2010) Review on dating methods: numerical dating in the quaternary geology of high Asia. Journal of Mountain Science 7: 105-122.DOI: 10.1007/s11629-010-1116-1

Cui P, Hu KH, Zhuang JQ, et al. (2011) Debris flow discharge calculation and inundation simulation. Journal of Mountain Science 8: 1-9.DOI: 10.1007/s11629-011-2040-8

Journal of Mountain Science雜志收錄與榮譽(yù)

CSCD 中國(guó)科學(xué)引文數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)來(lái)源期刊(含擴(kuò)展版)





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